character art, graphic design, pencil, inking, colour, vector art, 3d



“Mi” (@mi_trieste) is a newspaper project of mine for the Italian newspaper “il Piccolo”.

It’s a weekly newspaper strip that is published online every Saturday and then in the paper edition once a month as a double page where the weekly strips collated come to form a complete little story.

There is clearly a challenge in coming up with strips that end with a punchline and that together form this monthly story and at the moment of writing this post we’ve published the first two episodes and we’re two weeks into story number three.

The protagonist “Mi” is a young girl very much into social media and publishing selfies for her peers to reply to, but in between one selfie and another there’s also real life going on, so we follow her little adventures as she explores life.

This is a project for Trieste’s local newspaper so it’s about the territory, local history, society and all that stuff that forms the substance of a local newspaper.

But there’s this young character, that is the center of it all, every frame is an opportunity to define the personality, and it’s a personality I’m liking very much.

Her strips are on instagram here and