character art, graphic design, pencil, inking, colour, vector art, 3d

Editorial Illustration

A series of six illustrations I did for six cover pages of Il Piccolo Libri (the literary supplement of the italian newspaper Il Piccolo) celebrating the literary life of my home town of Trieste.

James Joyce

James Joyce lived for many years in Trieste where he found himself very much at home as Trieste just like Dublin was a busy port full of brothels and drunken sailors. Here he wrote much of the Ulysses.

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Italo Svevo

Italo Svevo. This illustration is a consideration of the Freudian aspect of the work of Italo Svevo, the condition of the protagonists of his novels and how they reflected in his own personality and lifestory.


Jan Morris

reknowned welsh author Jan Morris first came to Trieste at the end of WWII as James Morris, an officer in the British Intelligence, this was to be only the first of many visits to the town, in 2001 as Jan Morris published “Trieste and the meaning of nowhere”.


Bobi Bazlen

Bobi Bazlen was a very influential figure in book publishing discovering many talents, translating many German classics in italian and eventually co-founding the publishing house Adelphi. I portrayed him as a young man doing one of the things he used to do indeed, looking for treasures on the book stalls of Piazza Vecchia, and finding inside the logo of Adelphi.


Claudio Magris

In his seminal academic work “Trieste. Un'identità di frontiera” he delves deep into the roots of what becama a unique cultural identity that reflected so clearly in an important literary production. In this illustration I portrayed him playing chess with an ellegoric figure of Trieste as she moves the various elements that created the town.


Pietro Spirito

Contemporary author Pietro Spirito is much inspired by the sea, and what’s in it. In this illustration I also wanted to show how light can blind us hiding what darkness can instead reveal.