character art, graphic design, pencil, inking, colour, vector art, 3d

Eraldo Cecchini graphic novel

 This story was published on the 24th April 2024 on the newspaper Il Piccolo to remember a gruesome murder that happened on the same day in 1991.

The murder of Eraldo Cecchini is not a simple criminal event, it’s an unsolved mystery that a whole town had removed from its memory because of a collective sense of guilt. The victim was a local politician that was at the centre of ahuge controversy for his decision to cut traffic and parking spaces in the centre of Trieste. And then he was suddenly killed.

One day a few years ago I realized that his memory had been erased, and so this year a few weeks before the anniversary I proposed to the editor of il Piccolo to have a feature about the event. Luckily the project received not just the green light but a huge space and promotion with a double central page with this short novel of mine and an article to go with.

To write it I interviewed many of the people involved with both the victim and the murderer, and I found a story that I had never heard of before.