character art, graphic design, pencil, inking, colour, vector art, 3d
Exhib Guide.jpg

Ulysses - Wandering rocks


Trieste - Sala Veruda - 16th June to 10th July 2022

Part of Bloomsday ‘22, the event that marks the centinary of James Joyce’s Ulysses. My task was to illustrate chapter ten and present the work at Trieste’s top exhibition venue, Sala Veruda. The exhibition remained open between 16th June and 10th July with opening times 10am to 1pm and during this period there were almost 1000 individual visits and I was there most of the time to offer guided tours and speak about Joyce, the chapter and my artworks. Here below you can see the 24 illustrations, which comprised 12 digital vector artworks and 12 traditional ones, either watercolour or pastel. If you scroll below you can see two youtube video I made of me doing the guided tours, one in italian and one in english.